Sunday, December 12, 2010

Free: Countries of the world in a Polygon KML file

Countries of the world KML file, download for free and it can be use for any purpose, the file is a KML polygon file of  the countries in the world in the Natural Earth datasets.

Download : WorldPoly file

I generated the file with SAP ABAP which reads the Natural Earth country shapefile in my geoserver in the clouds. More about this later.

The country ISO codes were used to colour by region  from the UN site here

*The Natural Earth Dataset has French Guiana  with the ISO code for France. The ABAP code reads the ISO code to determine the colour of the polygon. More thematic mapping to come.

Looks  like this in Google Earth

and looks like this in arcgis explorer

RAW Version

I used geoserver to produce the KML shown above.

A blog about my adventures into GEO/KML and SAP can be found on the SDN site here.

The raw file is shown in Google maps below and can be downloaded here

The main difference between the world poly file and the raw file is in the XML markup and colours found in the KML.

The RAW kml file is produced by geoserver containing the ISO codes of the countries. My ABAP program generated the polygon colours based on UN data for the world poly KML file.

Google maps will stop supporting external KML in February 2015

So I have taken a static screen shot to show the differences between the two KML files below.


Anonymous said...

how do i get the kml file?

Robert Russell said...

Click on the link near the top of the page
Download : WorldPoly file
Or the raw file link section....
The raw file is shown in Google maps below and can be downloaded here"

Prabowo Murti said...

Great resource.. Thank you verymuch!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely awesome job and very helpful resource. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

definitly awesome. You've done a great job! Thank you!

Tyler said...

I know this content is super old by internet standards, but I think Russia isn't quite right in this KML.

Robert Russell said...

Hi Tyler,
Apologies for the long delay in posting and replying to your message, I was on holiday when the comment was posted and I have only just returned.
I agree the post is quite old now :) but let me know in a bit more detail what you think the issues are and I'll try to have a look at it soon.
Best Regards

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